Our partners
Tri-pulley believes in collaboration, communication, sharing of information, networking and partnershipsThis wouldn’t have been possible without our joint efforts!
Tri-pulley is fortunate to have received donations and support from various sources:
- Private donors: mainly from Lebanese living abroad and those who decided to stay , but as well from International donors. Check countries of origin of donations
- Hilfswerk International (HWI) funded us with 3 consecutive projects in Beirut and Tripoli.
- Strong Cities Network funded employment in 2021 relevant to violence prevention in Tripoli.
- Makesense / OMDI through the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the CDCS (Centre de Crise et de Soutien) and La Guilde who funded Tri-pulley with 3 consecutive projects.
- COSV through an European Union funded project: Tri-pulley working on a job inclusion program with the Saint Joseph University in Lebanon- Université pour Tous- focused on the employment of people with disabilities.
- EMDAD: ILO in collaboration with Makesense/COSV/ RPS: focus on improving the sustainability of Tri-pulley and marketing strategy to allow more job creations
- Canadian Funds For Lebanese Initiatives: with Canadian Embassy focused on job creation in the sector of peace building and social cohesion
- Doria Feminist fund: Focused on the creation of jobs towards women empowerment
We receive referrals from a large network of NGOs, local Initiatives and Associations such as: Shift Social Innovation Hub, Himaya, USJ physiotherapy department, Abaad, Arc en Ciel, RDFL, Forum for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Ruwwad, IECD, Nation Station, UPT (Université Pour Tous/ USJ), HELEM, The Lebanese Council to Resist Violence Against Woman (LECORVAW), Utopia, SEAC, Proabled, IRC, Municipality of Tripoli, Municipality of Chiah, Municipality of Wadi El Nahl…